
The Scene Using of Amber Beacon Light

What are amber lights use for? Amber beacon light can use for emergency vehicles, because of the characteristics of amber. The wavelength of amber light is second only to red, and the distance is relatively far. Among industrial safety colors, amber is also a hazard warning color, and explain warn of danger or remind attention. … Continue reading The Scene Using of Amber Beacon Light
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Siren And Light Controller

Our company's siren and light controller is a sturdy, compact and independent unit.In that case,the siren install under the dashboard or console, and comes with a siren control box and a siren control box page. It can only use for on/off operation of siren speaker and switch function. The four-position slide switch can withstand up … Continue reading Siren And Light Controller
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Changeable Message Sign

WHAT IS A PCMS(pulse code modulation screen)? PCMS is the English abbreviation of Portable changeable message sign, also known as dynamic message board. Dynamic message board refers to the use of remote control devices to display real-time changes on the road ahead due to weather, natural disasters, traffic accidents, etc. Road traffic signs for driving … Continue reading Changeable Message Sign
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Digital Traffic Signs

Differences Between Digital Traffic Signs and Illuminated Traffic Signs Differences Between Digital Traffic Signs and Illuminated Traffic Signs. Digital fonts are usually illuminated by LEDs (light emitting diodes). There may be a small part that displays numbers or a series of numbers and letters. For example, you may see it at some airports, or it … Continue reading Digital Traffic Signs
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